poetic prose


i want your fingers on my pulse, so i can breathe normally….


i feel like sailing , with the winds holding your hands….

i m like a swan of love….flying high in the mountains and my eyes can only see your light, the darkness, is invisible in your light….

only your love have granted me wings, only your light can show me the path , only your love can make me a soul

Someone, speaks inside my soul and the words are not mine and i m not me, its your lips talking inside my heart….

You are the power of the universe, you are the light from farthest stars, reaching to me and spreading like a rainbow, all across the horizons ….i can dance like a dervish, and your wave is like a string holding me through your light rays…

let me, write all those songs and all those ideas for you, the universe have never heard before, all those beauties of love, i can express in your love, which were only living in heavens, before our love…..let me tell you the secrets coming to my heart, those were not revealed before your love came to my destiny….let me tell you that we are making the castles of love in the space…..the stars are bowing to our love….

i want to live for millions of years and always narrate the stories of billions of stars for you and keep on whispering the sweetness of love…..img-20160111-wa0023.jpg

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