The destiny writers .


They were sitting outside an old temple with lots of papers and pens….they were writing the destinies….claiming themselves to be angels of God ….not the prophets but angels…everyone was aware of them. Staying all night in bars drinking and dancing .In the morning all of them along with flocks of their birds were sitting outside the yard of temple…Inviting people to get their destinies written as per the choices, desires and wishes of the people.

Was there any doubt they were not insane and Fanatics. …

But they were neat, wearing black and white and every time smiling with truth sparkling in their eyes…the intellect spreading on their faces….the light filtered through the arches of temple..Kept on playing around them,….making yellow shades on their colorless costumes.

Every time I passed through these so called I always wanted…to get my destiny to be written by them….not exactly written but rewritten by them…


But confusion was that who among many of them…would be the best destiny writer….


Since few months I was staring at them for quite some time out of my own time…even often I felt like asking them to consider making me a drunken angel too…this could be best destiny to be wished for…But they were neat, wearing black and white every time smiling with truth sparkling in their eyes…with intellect spreading on their faces….the light filtered through the arches of temple..Kept on .playing around their position…making yellow shades on their colorless costumes.

Every time i passed through these so called i always wanted…to get my destiny to be written by them….not exactly written but rewritten by them…


But confusion was that who among many of them…would be the best destiny writer….


Since few months i was paying my time to them…my unsalable time like the unusable coins …often i wanted to ask them to write one line in my destiny book..Make me an angel like them…with no wishes whatsoever.

It could be the best wish to become insane in public eyes…..and becoming a self proclaimed angel….realizing and accepting the characteristics of angel in itself…. why human beings are not thankful.. ..??..why it feels like angels are superior and I am not…why not to be content as human….

Only humans can give best of their smiling postures with tears..With such and many questions in my mind i wanted to speak those destiny writers…

Questions like how can they claim themselves to be angels …when i can see such harmonious humanely smile on their angelic faces and tears in their vigilant…. broad eyes….angels cant depict this artistry of emotions but only the humans can….

I was questioning again my wish to be an angel…why should i…..can’t; i love the pain of unfulfilled desires? Don’t i run behind the gigantic unreachable wishes and cry and get all those wounds sore and bleed and the pain…moves in my head …reaches to my feet and makes me dance and move like a star under the commands of starlight?



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