Pearls of love…

img-20160111-wa0023.jpgI’m like a dancer in the circle of love….destined to dance with perseverance…the gods can see my shadow …moving in the skies….the moment it will stop moving….I will be thrown out of love circle…

Did I ever show resistance to accept the pain of love…..I have my arms opened to welcome and embrace the lovely pain……………….

I walk in your shoes my love……..I can feel the inner waves of your blood coming in and out of your heart….


You are my lord and my master, what I m getting from you, it’s like, you are pouring energy in my soul


I can sing, dance and play music on love cords and all is happening perfectly ……

Your light is like, dew and rays for each pore of my soul, and I m becoming your flower my sun…, which needs, you to survive…….

After the sunset, I can’t find the way to live but your starlight…..

All the love for you sailing in my eyes….

Living in all colors of your love…all shades i can feel.  .Inside and outside…

I feel like a sea so calm sometimes and so much out of shores sometimes….furious in longing to see my love…

Life is beautiful in all those tears sobs…smiles and laughter of love

Let’s feel the universe and love… it will show us the colors and beauties of love….


..You have landed in my soul…I felt… I m that lucky person…

Least loving I was  …I have been made loving…through your eyes and by universe to love you forever….


written by: Maqbool Ahmed Mirza 


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